Monday, April 30, 2012


         The film The Meatrix is about the reality of how animals are being mistreated. Throughout the film a pig that named Leo is given a choice to take part in stopping the brutal action done to animals. The pig chooses to take the red pill in order to acknowledge what the Meatrix is. Ultimately the pig chooses to be an up stander not a victim; he defeats the agents and protects his generation ‘animalism’.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Blog entry #10: Writing Center Tutors

Today was a very helpful day. I got to exercise on my wordiness (fragment)  which is one of my biggest problems. Thank you for your time and your patience Aaron Chetram.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Blog entry 9: Red Pill or Blue Pill: Is Ignorance Bliss?

Christine Cornell and Patrick Malcomson, the authors of the passage “Red Pill or Blue Pill: Is Ignorance Bliss?” confront the protagonists of two works: “The Matrix” - science fiction action film written and directed by Larry and Andy Wachowski in 1999 and “Alice in Wonderland” - novel written by Lewis Carroll in 1865.
claim: ignorance is not bliss
reason:accepting reality is not easy


BLOG ENTRY #7:CATW- "The Dangers of Reality TV"

Nieve Castillo                                   

            Everyone in their lives has a remodel in which they look up to or desire to be because they admire their characteristics. It is not a bad thing to admire a celebrity or well-known person but it is important that we don’t fall in to their unrealistic fantasies and lifestyle. The article, “The Dangers of Reality TV”, by Timothy Sexton emphasizes that, Reality TV is sending a wrong message to young fans by exploiting the value of a person’s image over ability, how to be better and by not contributing to the importance of education. I agree with Sexton because reality TV in my perspective can’t give what I need in real life in the contrary it puts my educations, my identity, and future at danger.

            Reality TV is a major distraction and unhelpful factor in education. When I turn on the TV all I hear about is updates of celebrity lives as if I don’t have a life of my own to update. It distracts me from school work and global awareness which is essential for my American dream if I want to attain a stable life economically. It’s like weighing the chances of attaining a degree in which you are interesting in or becoming famous throughout the media which can take more effort and time away sine reality TV tends to change their image overtime in which portray unnecessary necessities.

            Reality TV also sends out the wrong message when it comes to a person’s identity. For example, reality shows about marriage always emphasize on their luxuries of cars and wedding rings in order to make them look like labels the top “notch” instead of really showing their real identities and what makes them special. The importance is that identity shouldn’t be something superficial it should be something that we want to develop in a unique way not by labels. It is also essential to understand that we cannot please everyone in life by lavishing ourselves with the latest assets as is everything were a competition.     

Blog Entry #6: Against Seahaven!!!

The world in which Crisoff created for Truman was an interesting world for the fact that Truman was the host of the world (main character) and everyone knew him. Truman’s world was also a laid back setting with no worries or enemies since everyone was told what to do by Crisoff. Crisoff wanted a perfect world for Truman and for that reason Truman was exempt from any real world dangers and discoveries that we as humans face in a daily basis which made his world predictable within the routines. In the real world life is unpredictable and can take on different routines because everyone wants to do something different.  
Throughout the movie Truman’s daily life was the same routine. His daily life was always wake up in the morning; get ready for work and greeting his neighbors as he came out his house leaving his wife behind.  As Truman realized that his life was repetitive and restraining in his eyes he started to act question his environment angrily and with evidence realized something was wrong about Seahaven. He realized that something was wrong about Seahaven because he saw everyone doing the same thing for example, there was always a man in his bike in the same place every day and his wife would always change their conversation for an irrelevant one. Most importantly he really realized that Seahaven was crazy and rare when a stranger said, “Hi Truman.” Truman was in shock and replied did you hear that how did he know my name to his friend. Overall Truman’s passion was to try something new which indeed was Fiji and because of that he went after it furiously because he knew Fiji had to be real since he had a map.
That being said, if I were Truman I would also choose to go beyond Seahaven which means I wouldn’t like to live there for the same reasons and my curiosity.  I would get sick of Seahaven faster than New York City where I live now because I hate to do the same things every day and be destined to one lifestyle. I rather go through a lot of hardships and new experiences in life by making my own decision not having a person like Crisoff who gets to dictate my life because it will make me feel like a prisoner who only gets to do the same thing every day. It will mean that my life had no significant fulfillments or excitement of the possibilities that can be created in life