Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Blog one

Until this day telemarketing has presented itself more consistently through their countless advertisements that surround us in a daily basis chronically. Author Kalle Lasn, from the passage Hype, emphasizes that advertisements in this century have become too intoxicating in presence wise but, importantly it is intoxicating our minds by telling us how to live. That being said I will have to agree with Lasn because the quantity of advertisements shown on TV, public transportation, and electronic emails of new electronic devices and fitness products are some of the few examples that represent a waste of our money and contain many gadgets which are not necessary in order to tackle our daily duties. 
the blue is my new  thesis...

A placew where advertisements are prevelant is the tv, which includes numerous commercial/advertisments. Turning on the TV is like a guide telling you what you need to do. For example everytime a commercial appears about a product like Special K or any other fitness product or program you are advised on the qualities their product promises. Fitness products obviously promise that you would be more fit but, what tlemarketers are really trying to do is win money from their products by persuading us with their use of pathos and ethos with creative characters.This in fact is evident but a pullutant as Lasn says becuase at the end if the product is not a worthy one we would keep on trying other unworthy products.

Another pullutant advertisement is the technology industry today. A famous technology device that is advancing is cellphones. I see them everywhere in the bus, TV, internent, and electronic emails. This to me is considered a brain pollutant because if we already have TV, computers, regular phones, and other devices that can tacle important errands and hobbies in out daily lives. Do we really need extra features that is just charging more money with it's high phone bills and prices.

Advertisements have made their presence prevelant in this cnetury and impacted the way we choose to live out daily lives. But nevertheless it is important to realize that out daily lives can be tacled in simple ways without to much features and gadgets like the old days as Lasn stated, "In the silent moments of my daily life, I often used to hear Beethovens..." This clearly shows that we can survive by choosing to listen to certain advertisements not all because some are just persuading us to do things that are not necessary. The key is to stop and think and ask yourself is this product really worth it.

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